Controlling the brightness of an LED or blinking it continually by passing various delays with PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) it might be your first Raspberry Pi 4 learning experience. In this article, we perform three activities which are, Turning On & Off LED. Blinking it using PWM at different frequencies. Controlling the brightness of the […]
Electronics tutorial
Here are the basic electronics tutorial circuits for beginners. You can find here tutorials on operational amplifiers (opamp), transistor, MOSFETs, 555 timer IC, audio amplifiers and many more.
Over Current/Short Circuit Protection Using LM358 OPAMP
This is an adjustable over-current and Short circuit protection using LM358 OPAMP. In this article, we will see how you can make short circuit protection using LM358 OPAMP. A short circuit occurs when the current flowing in a circuit bypasses the load and flows from a path having the least or zero resistance. We can […]
Short Circuit Protection Using Relay For Batteries
In this tutorial, we will see how to make a short circuit protection using Relay. Many times accidentally terminals of batteries and other power supplies get short-circuited. Due to this, they get hot and start degrading. In the case of lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries, they may catch fire due to short-circuit or even get blast. […]
ESP32 Home Automation Project by Google Assistant, Blynk & IFTTT
Control your home lighting and fans using ESP32 Home Automation Project based on Google Assistant Blynk and IFTTT. This is very easy to set up, simple to operate, and a cost-effective system for your home residence and even offices. You can operate it via google assistant, manual buttons, and Blynk application. What are the things […]
What Are Optoisolators And Optocouplers, How They Work?
Optoisolators and Optocoupler sound very similar and they are the same in terms of workings and other features let’s see what are optoisolators and optocoupler. There are some differences due to which they are given different names. Photocoupler is another name of the optocoupler. An optocoupler or photocoupler and an optoisolator are semiconductor devices that […]
74160 BCD Counter Circuit Diagram
In this article, we will see 74160 IC you can see 74160 BCD Counter Circuit Diagram. It is a 16 pin BCD counter with a feature of count loading means it is presettable. That means if you want you can count from anywhere between 0 to 9. It is a positive edge triggered IC. Pin […]